Automatic transcripts powered by Auphonic are coming to Podigee! Get your podcast transcripted with no extra steps and for the fraction of the cost of a manual transcription.
We've written about transcripts and how important we think they are for podcasts before. The problem is, that it is either very time consuming or very expensive to create them. That changes now! When Auphonic announced their efforts in the direction of automatically producing transcripts we did not hesitate and immediately started thinking about how we can integrate the feature into Podigee.
We already demoed an early version a couple of weeks ago at the German podcast conference SUBSCRIBE in Munich and are very happy to announce our public beta today for all podcasters who are supporting us with a paid account on Podigee.
We wanted to make transcripts a natural part of the Podigee workflow that many podcasters already use and love. The only additional step you need to take to get your next episode transcribed is to tick a checkbox, create your episode and hit the encode button! After that you will find a new tab called "Transcript" where you will be able to make quick manual corrections using our brand new transcript editor.
First and foremost, transcripts will be showcased through our podcast web player. Your listeners will be able to follow the transcript as they listen to the episode. Of course it's also possible to search for words in the text and jump to a specific sentence with a click or tap.
Of course not! In the next weeks and months to come we will improve the still very rough version of our transcript editor as well as introduce new ways to make transcripts available for your audience. Besides a HTML version, which will make your episodes easily findable through search engines like Google, we're also looking into producing nice looking PDF versions of your episodes and finding ways to make transcripts available in podcast listening apps.
As we said in the beginning, we'll be able to offer automatic transcripts at a fraction of the costs manual transcriptions bring with them. For the beta phase, we will have an introductory pricing of 0,05€ (or $0,06) per minute of audio. After leaving beta, that will go up to 0,10€ (or $0,12) per minute of audio. Money spent will show up on your next regular invoice, but you will be able to see how much you've spent on transcripts in your account settings.