In 2020, Podigee added Amazon Music to its podcast platform directory. Now you can upload all your podcast episodes to the platform and keep growing your audience.
Your podcast on Amazon Music is 3 steps away.
- Sign up to Podigee or login if you already have an account.
- Create a podcast and add your first episode.
- Go to -> 'Exports' -> 'Publish on Amazon Music/Audible' and agree to its terms of use.
Yes, as simple as that.
Need more details? Let's review those steps one more time.
Sign up to Podigee, click on the 'Create your first podcast now' button.
Add an audio file on the 'Create new episode' section.
Go to the 'Exports' tab and look for 'Amazon Music/Audible'. Click on 'Publish on Amazon Music/ Audible' to open it, agree to the terms of use by ticking the 'I have read and accept the terms of use of the Amazon Music Podcast License Agreement' box, and finally, click on 'Publish on Amazon Music/Audible':
Voilà, podcast submitted.
If this is your first uploaded podcast, it will take between 2 and 5 days for it to get listed on Amazon Music. Once this is completed, future episodes for your podcast will get published at a faster pace (between 1 and 24 hours).
If you transferred a podcast that is already on Amazon Music to Podigee, please contact Amazon Music Support directly so they can update your feed in their system correctly. Keep in mind that you will need to set a redirect from your previous hosting provider to your new Podigee feed.
Will your podcast be available on Audible as well? Currently Audible only lists exclusive podcasts produced by the brand itself. Amazon Music is currently the best way to get your public podcast on track within the Amazon universe.
Happy podcasting!
How to submit to: